The Man to Send Rainclouds the Man to Send Rain Clouds Continuity and Change

The Man to Send Rain Clouds | Quotes


Send us rain clouds, Grandfather.


Leon reminds his grandfather's spirit to return as rain clouds to bless the people with rain and an abundant harvest.


You really shouldn't allow him to stay at the sheep camp alone.

Father Paul

Father Paul is advising Leon to keep his grandfather from working alone because he believes Teofilo is too old to herd sheep by himself. This remark shows how little Father Paul is aware of how relationships work between the young and the old in the Pueblo community. In Pueblo culture elders of the tribe are highly respected as wise decision-makers by the younger generations. The act of telling Teofilo not to herd his own sheep by his grandson would be disrespectful in Pueblo culture.


No, he won't do that any more now.


Leon is responding to Father Paul and avoiding the truth about his grandfather's death. He doesn't want to involve Father Paul because he prefers to hold a private ceremony at home without the involvement of the Catholic Church.


Well, I'm glad you understand.

Father Paul

This sentence contains some situational irony because Leon understands far more than Father Paul is aware of. Father Paul is the one who does not understand but acts as though he is imparting worldly knowledge by inviting Leon and Teofilo to Catholic Mass. He is completely unaware that he is being kept in the dark about Teofilo's death.


See if you can get old Teofilo to come with you.

Father Paul

While Leon and Ken are bringing Teofilo's body back home in Ken's truck, they are greeted by Father Paul who is currently unaware that Teofilo is dead. He encourages Leon to bring his grandfather to attend Sunday Mass.


We found him under a cottonwood tree in the big arroyo near sheep camp.


Leon informs Louise and Teresa about the location in which he and Ken had discovered Teofilo's body. The cottonwood tree is a significant place for Teofilo because it is a sacred spiritual object to Pueblo culture.

An "arroyo" is the Spanish word for a creek that has grown dry due to lack of rain. The dryness of the land creates an even stronger need for rain which the Pueblo believe can arrive with the help of the spirit world.


About the priest sprinkling holy water on Grandpa. So he won't be thirsty.


Louise and Leon have just given Teofilo a Pueblo ceremonial funeral. This statement illustrates the influence of Catholicism in the minds of the Pueblo people despite their sustained traditions.


Why didn't you tell me he was dead?

Father Paul

Father Paul is upset with Leon because he was not involved in the private ceremony. He disapproves of any religious ceremonies involving non-Catholic rituals.


For a Christian burial it was necessary.

Father Paul

Father Paul is responding to Leon about Teofilo's traditional burial and saying that his presence at the funeral ceremony "was necessary." He disapproves of the traditional ceremony being performed without a priest present.


It's O.K. Father, we just want him to have plenty of water.


This statement illustrates Leon's distance from the old ways. He has forgotten that the dead did not need holy water in the old days in order for their journey to the underworld to be complete.


There should have been the Last Rites and a funeral Mass at the very least.

Father Paul

Typically the "Last Rites" are a Catholic blessing and prayer ritual that is performed for one who is ill shortly before passing. Here the priest is likely referring to the "Rite of Committal" which is the closing blessing and prayer performed for the dead during a Catholic burial. The priest ironically does not perform the Rite of Committal for Teofilo. He does strike a compromise between his own beliefs and Leon's request by allowing Teofilo's body to be anointed with holy water before it is returned to the Earth.

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